Responsabilitatea medicala pentru generatiile viitoare. O abordare fenomenologica

Sandu  Antonio & Croitor Ecaterina (2014). Responsabilitatea medicala pentru generatiile viitoare. O abordare fenomenologica. Prezentata la Conferinta Nationala de Bioetica, 6-8 noiembrie 2014, Iasi, Romania. (more…)

Serviciile sociale si fericirea paradoxala. Constructia sociala a responsabilitatii

Caras (cas. Frunza) (2014). Serviciile sociale si fericirea paradoxala. Constructia sociala a responsabilitatii, prezentata la a treia editie a Conferintei Internaționale EPHES  (Ethics Philosophy & Engineering in Society), a avut loc in perioada 20- 22 iulie 2014, in Suceava, Romania. (more…)

The Role of Supervisor of Ethics on the Construction of Social Responsibility for the Other

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Ana Caras (2014). The Role of Supervisor of Ethics on the Construction of Social Responsibility for the Other. Prezentata la The 4th International Conference Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty. From Theory to Inquiry in social Sciences, 10-12 Aprilie 2014, Iasi, Romania. (more…)

Some Considerations on the Construction of Ethics Policies. Shared Ethics and Communicative Action

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Sandu Antonio & Caras (Frunza) Ana (2014). Some Considerations on the Construction of Ethics Policies. Shared Ethics and Communicative Action. Prezentata la The 4th International Conference Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty. From Theory to Inquiry in Social Sciences, 10-12 Aprilie 2014, Iasi, Romania. (more…)

thical Considerations in the Medico-Legal Expert Approach of a Severe Untreated Psychiatric Disease

header lumen 2014 V3 final web
Scripcaru Calin, Damian Simona, Sandu Antonio & Ioan Beatrice (2014). Ethical Considerations in the Medico-Legal Expert Approach of a Severe Untreated Psychiatric Disease.  (more…)