Strategies for Building Ethical Policies within the Organization

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Sandu Antonio (2013). Strategies for Building Ethical Policies within the Organization. Prezentată la International Scientific Conference Tradition and Reform, II Edition. Social Reconstruction of Europe, 7-8 Noiembrie 2013, Bucuresti, Romania. (more…)

Appreciative Christian Counseling

Sandu Antonio &  Caras Ana (2013). Appreciative Christian Counseling. Prezentata la The International Conference Education and Psychology Challenges-teachers for the Knowledge Society-2nd edition (EPC-TKS), 24-27 Octombrie 2013, Sinaia, Romania. (more…)

Etica grijii ca deconstructie a conceptului de caritate

Sandu Antonio & Caras Ana (2013). Etica grijii ca deconstructie a conceptului de caritate. Prezentată la Zilele Academice Iesene, editia a XXVIII-a, Sesiunea stiintifica Idei si Valori Perene in Stiintele Socio-Umane, 18-31 octombrie 2013, Iasi, Romania. (more…)