Kantian ethics vs. Utilitarian and Consequentialist Ethics in the Kidney Transplant

Sandu Antonio (2013). Kantian ethics vs. Utilitarian and Consequentialist Ethics in the Kidney Transplant. Prezentata la International Scientific Conference Tradition an Reform Social Reconstruction of Europe, Second Edition, 7-8 noiembrie 2013, Bucuresti, Romania. (more…)

The need for committees of ethics in the ethical evaluation of social services

Caras Ana 7 Sandu Antonio (2013). The need for committees of ethics in the ethical evaluation of social services. Prezentata la XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4-10 august 2013, Atena, Grecia. (more…)

Ethical Evaluation of Social Services and the Need for Ethics Committees

Caras Ana & Sandu Antonio (2013) Ethical Evaluation of Social Services and the Need for Ethics Committees, 3rd  edition of International Conference Logos, Universality, Mentality, Novelty, Education, 2013, Iasi,Romania, 10-13 Aprilie 2013. (more…)

The Levels of Doctor-Patient Relationship- analysis from the Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral development

Sandu Antonio & Caras Ana (2013) The Levels of Doctor-Patient Relationship- analysis from the Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral development.  3rd International Conference Logos, Universality, Mentality, Novelty, Education, 2013, Iasi, Romania, 10-13 Aprilie 2013. (more…)

Necesitatea comisiilor de etica in evaluarea etica a serviciilor sociale

Caras Ana &  Sandu Antonio (2012). Necesitatea comisiilor de etica in evaluarea etica a serviciilor sociale. Prezentata la Conferinta Nationala de Bioetica, 13-16 septembrie 2012, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. (more…)