Sandu Antonio (2013). Kantian ethics vs. Utilitarian and Consequentialist Ethics in the Kidney Transplant. Prezentata la International Scientific Conference Tradition an Reform Social Reconstruction of Europe, Second Edition, 7-8 noiembrie 2013, Bucuresti, Romania. (more…)
comisii de etica
The need for committees of ethics in the ethical evaluation of social services
Caras Ana 7 Sandu Antonio (2013). The need for committees of ethics in the ethical evaluation of social services. Prezentata la XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4-10 august 2013, Atena, Grecia. (more…)
Ethical Evaluation of Social Services and the Need for Ethics Committees
Caras Ana & Sandu Antonio (2013) Ethical Evaluation of Social Services and the Need for Ethics Committees, 3rd edition of International Conference Logos, Universality, Mentality, Novelty, Education, 2013, Iasi,Romania, 10-13 Aprilie 2013. (more…)
The Levels of Doctor-Patient Relationship- analysis from the Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral development
Sandu Antonio & Caras Ana (2013) The Levels of Doctor-Patient Relationship- analysis from the Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral development. 3rd International Conference Logos, Universality, Mentality, Novelty, Education, 2013, Iasi, Romania, 10-13 Aprilie 2013. (more…)
Necesitatea comisiilor de etica in evaluarea etica a serviciilor sociale
Caras Ana & Sandu Antonio (2012). Necesitatea comisiilor de etica in evaluarea etica a serviciilor sociale. Prezentata la Conferinta Nationala de Bioetica, 13-16 septembrie 2012, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. (more…)