Caras Ana & Sandu Antonio (2014). Relational Autonomy – Connections Between Moral Agent Theory and Supervision of Ethics. Prezentata la Cel de al X–lea Congres Mondial ISUD, Fiinta umana: natura si functiile sale, 4-9 iulie 2014, Craiova, Romania. (more…)
Kantian ethics vs. Utilitarian and Consequentialist Ethics in the Kidney Transplant
Sandu Antonio (2013). Kantian ethics vs. Utilitarian and Consequentialist Ethics in the Kidney Transplant. Prezentata la International Scientific Conference Tradition an Reform Social Reconstruction of Europe, Second Edition, 7-8 noiembrie 2013, Bucuresti, Romania. (more…)
Instances of Social Construction of Chronic Patients’ Autonomy
Sandu Antonio (2013). Instances of Social Construction of Chronic Patients' Autonomy. Prezentată la International Scientific Conference Tradition an Reform Social Reconstruction of Europe, Second Edition, 7-8 noiembrie 2013, Bucuresti, Romania. (more…)
Autonomy – Social and Ethical References
Caras Ana (2013). Autonomy- Social and Ethical References, International Scientific Conference Tradition and Reform. Social Reconstruction of Europe, 7-8 noiembrie 2013, Bucuresti, Romania. (more…)
Masterclass Workshop: Spirituality, Dependency and Autonomy
Sandu Antonio (2013). Spirituality, Dependency and Autonomy - Masterclass Workshop (in conjunction with 12th ICPP). Prezentată la The 23rd Word Congress of Philosophy, 2-10 August 2013, Atena, Grecia.