Sandu, Antonio (2015). Appreciative Teaching of Social Sciences in Competence Based Approaches of Higher Education. Prezentată la Central & Eastern European LUMEN Conference: LUMEN NASHS 2015: Chisinau, Republic of Moldova: 11-13 September 2015. (more…)
Ethical Values in Romanian Social Work Practice: A New Perspective on Social Work
Frunza, A., Sandu, A. (2015) Ethical Values in Romanian Social Work Practice: A New Perspective on Social Work, Central and Eastern European LUMEN Conference: New Approaches in Social and Humanistic Sciences: NASHS 2015, 11th-13th of September 2015, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova (more…)
Ethical Expertise as Philosophical Practice
SANDU, Antonio & Funza Ana(2015). Ethical Expertise as Philosophical Practice. Prezentata la International Conference: What is practical knowledge? 13-14 june 2015 Targoviste. (more…)
Ethical Background of European Policy on Equal Treatment
Sandu Antonio (2015). Ethical Background of European Policy on Equal Treatment. Prezentata la The 10th International Conference on the Romanian Regional Science Association. Regional development and Europe 2020, Suceava, May 8-9, 2015 (more…)
Rolul asistentei sociale in educatia terapeutica
Necula Roxana, Sandu Antonio & Damian Simona (2015). Rolul asistentei sociale in educatia terapeutica. Prezentata la Al XIV-lea Seminar International de Medicina si Teologie,
11-12 mai 2015, Bistrita, Romania. (more…)