Three Perspectives on the Ethics of Punishment

Sandu Antonio (2015) Three Perspectives on the Ethics of Punishment, sustinuta la  7th LUMEN International Conference –  Multidimensional Education and Professional Development. Ethical Values – MEPDEV 2015, 12th – 14th November 2015, Targoviste, Romania (more…)

Ethics and Normativity in Non-Voluntary Hospitalization

Sandu, A., Frunza, A.(2015) Ethics and Normativity in Non-Voluntary Hospitalization, 7th LUMEN International Conference –  Multidimensional Education and Professional Development. Ethical Values – MEPDEV 2015, 12th – 14th November 2015, Targoviste, Romania (more…)

Respect for Persons – Behaviour and Attitude in Social Construction of Autonomy. Informed Consent Case Study

Frunza, A.(2015). Respect for Persons - Behaviour and Attitude in Social Construction of Autonomy. Informed Consent Case Study, 7th LUMEN International Conference –  Multidimensional Education and Professional Development. Ethical Values – MEPDEV 2015, 12th – 14th November 2015, Targoviste, Romania (more…)

Internarea nevoluntara. O perspectiva etica

Sandu, A., Frunza, A., Scripcaru, C., Bulgaru-Iliescu, D. (2015). Internarea nevoluntara. O perspectiva etica. Prezentata la A XII-a Conferinta Nationala de Bioetica, Iasi, 5-7 noiembrie 2015. Lucrarea isi propune sa creioneze cateva cadre de analiza din perspectiva bioetica asupra internarii nevoluntare a pacientilor psihiatrici, care nu a fost decisa pe baza unei hotarari judecatoresti si/sau al unui raport de expertiza medico-legala. (more…)

A Communicative Action and Social Construction of Reality. A Socio-Semiotical Approach

SANDU, Antonio (2015). A Communicative Action and Social Construction of Reality. A Socio-Semiotical Approach. Prezentată la Central & Eastern European LUMEN Conference: LUMEN NASHS 2015: Chisinau, Republic of Moldova: 11-13 September 2015. (more…)