Sandu Antonio (2014). Some Regards on the Possibilities of Constructing an Appreciative Ethics. Prezentata la International Conferences EPHES (Engineering Philosophy & Ethics in Society), 20-22 Iulie 2014, Suceava, Romania.
Social constructionism as core paradigm of appreciative ethics.
Sandu Antonio (2014). Social constructionism as core paradigm of appreciative ethics. Prezentata la International Conferences EPHES (Engineering Philosophy & Ethics in Society), 20-22 Iulie 2014, Suceava, Romania.
Relational Autonomy – Connections Between Moral Agent Theory and Supervision of Ethics
Caras Ana & Sandu Antonio (2014). Relational Autonomy – Connections Between Moral Agent Theory and Supervision of Ethics. Prezentata la Cel de al X–lea Congres Mondial ISUD, Fiinta umana: natura si functiile sale, 4-9 iulie 2014, Craiova, Romania. (more…)
Medierea apreciativa. De la conflict la creativitate
Sandu Antonio (2014). Medierea apreciativa. De la conflict la creativitate. Prezentata la a XVIII-a Conferinta Internationala de Inventica, 2-4 iulie 2014, Iasi, Romania. (more…)
Appreciative ethics in counselling of ethics of the public servant
Sandu Antonio (2014). Appreciative ethics in counselling of ethics of the public servant. Prezentata la 6th International Conference “Exploration, Education and Progress in the Third Millennium”, 9 Mai 2014, Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati.